Thursday, November 13, 2014

Monday, July 28, 2014


When we start out in Pigeon Racing there are a million ways to go wrong. Bad Birds, Overfeeding, Health Problems, Stocking Birds after short races etc., are all common hazards.
I  Get late bred birds or eggs from a couple of Top Flyers to start off with.
2.  Never give the Birds that little bit extra feed because you love them. You will be amazed how easily Pigeons get fat. John Pryor had a habit of feeding only six days a week in the early part of the Season.
They won't die of starvation and you'll be higher up in the results.
3.  Change the water whenever you can. That's where disease spreads from.
4.  Educate your youngsters thoroughly. The more education the better. They don't have to be tossed long but the more often the better for Babies.
S.  Pigeons don't need flash feeds. They will race as well on Peas and Wheat as any mix of different grains. Horses race on 12 per cent protein these days. Safflower is good on hampering day so long as the birds have been closely kept in check during the week.
6.  Don't get too rapt in short race performances. If you stock these birds straight away you'll never know whether they are any good or not. You may have lost them at 350 miles. Wait until the end of the season and you will find that you want to breed from entirely different individuals. Certainly put away your outstanding pigeon at the end of the season, but bear in mind they don't aH breed like themselves.
7.  The winning recipe can seldom he bought at a sale. Most times we have the right birds but not the right system.
8.  You won't do yourself any favors by hiding from the Falcons. Fit birds become adept at handling Falcons. You won't avoid losing some birds to Falcon attack, but many more are lost at the end of the year because the birds are tired and have gone stale.
9.  Plan your season to always have some fresh birds. By fresh, I mean birds that have been trained hard but raced sparingly. You will be amazed at how many winners are having their third or fourth race for the year. Some win after ten races but not many.
10.  Don't chase breeds of Pigeons. Us outstanding pairs that count. The biggest trap is to fall for pures. Cross breeds do better. When you get a dominant pair, keep some youngsters for stock and don't ever be afraid to breed from an unraced brother or sister to a good pigeon.
11.  When your good breeders get old they will produce fewer good race birds, but keep their progeny for stock.
12.  If your Birds are going badly, make sure their health is right before you get stuck into them. Sometimes two tosses of one hour in the same day will shake them up.
13.  Any toss of over 1 1/2 hours in unnecessary although one hard head wind toss just prior to
the Association Races sometimes helps.
14.  Toss both directions. Too may flyers waste good pigeons by flying them in easy races all
season and switching them for the last couple of races. Develop a family for them.
15.  Never stop trying to learn. Everyone learns something new each year. It's the toughest
sport to master next to golf. just when you think you've worked it out you find you know very little at all.
16.  Never look at the successful flyers and clubs and think they win because of where they live.
Examine every good flyer and you'll find its their stock sense, competitiveness and time spent on the sport that makes them successful. 

Source: Internet

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